I've heard both the good and the bad of it. The good being: no undergarment lines, super slimming, and super tight (as in, I'd look tight). The bad being: crazy suction issues, feeling uncomfortable, and super tight (as in, cutting off my circulation tight). Not to mention, I totally can't decide on the sexiness factor. What do you think: hot, or not? A girl's got to consider her wedding night, after all.
Case in point: Lauren came up with the brilliant solution that I borrow her pair of Spanx for an upcoming shower, see how I feel, and then take it from there. Sort of like a test drive. If I'm dying after a few hours and wanting to crawl out of my skin, then hello Gap Body. Or Hanky Panky. Or Commando, U.S.A. At least I'll know where I stand on the Spanx fence line.
I think it's brilliant.
Until then, I'll just continue waiting here in Undergarment Limbo. Kind of like a Victoria's Secret catalog, only with even more bad lingerie just waiting to be rejected. We'll see if Spanx is able to break on through to the other side.
I will patiently await your review. Somehow I can't get myself to buy a pair even though I've considered it a million times. I feel like I would be cheating? Like if I want to look a certain way, I should get there without temporary assistance. But of course your wedding day is a whole other story. Anything that makes you feel good, you should do it.