Thursday, August 26, 2010

To Spanx or Not to Spanx?

That is the proverbial million dollar question concerning my unmentionables for the wedding.

I've heard both the good and the bad of it. The good being: no undergarment lines, super slimming, and super tight (as in, I'd look tight). The bad being: crazy suction issues, feeling uncomfortable, and super tight (as in, cutting off my circulation tight). Not to mention, I totally can't decide on the sexiness factor. What do you think: hot, or not? A girl's got to consider her wedding night, after all.

[For more styles, check out the Spanx website]

Lucky for me, I was able to share a bottle of champagne last night with my BFF to celebrate her new job (congrats, L!), and whenever that happens, the creative juices always start a-flowing. (Ok, maybe more than creative juices. But I always end up with tons of new ideas.)

Case in point: Lauren came up with the brilliant solution that I borrow her pair of Spanx for an upcoming shower, see how I feel, and then take it from there. Sort of like a test drive. If I'm dying after a few hours and wanting to crawl out of my skin, then hello Gap Body. Or Hanky Panky. Or Commando, U.S.A. At least I'll know where I stand on the Spanx fence line.

I think it's brilliant.

Until then, I'll just continue waiting here in Undergarment Limbo. Kind of like a Victoria's Secret catalog, only with even more bad lingerie just waiting to be rejected. We'll see if Spanx is able to break on through to the other side.

1 comment:

  1. I will patiently await your review. Somehow I can't get myself to buy a pair even though I've considered it a million times. I feel like I would be cheating? Like if I want to look a certain way, I should get there without temporary assistance. But of course your wedding day is a whole other story. Anything that makes you feel good, you should do it.
